The Dizziness Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Marketing Package is a unique way to market yourself while educating referring providers in your area. It's so easy to customize the algorithm with your brand and contact information. You can even upload your logo!
Think of this Dizziness Differential Diagnosis Algorithm as a visual roadmap that you can use to educate and guide referring providers in the clinical decision-making process. It highlights key symptoms to create a working diagnosis from the patient’s description of their dizziness to aid in determining what tests can provide further clinical insights.
The algorithm is completely customizable through a FREE Canva account. Canva is a drag & drop platform that is easy to use. Once you customize the algorithm with your brand and contact information, you can download it to your computer, print it, and include it with your marketing packet to referring providers.
We've included instructions so you can get started right away!
What's included?
- [Educational Video] Section-by-section breakdown of the algorithm from top to bottom
- [Educational Video] Marketing strategies to promote your practice utilizing the algorithm
- Customizable Dizziness Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Grab yours today!
Once payment is confirmed, a 360 Neuro Health team member will email you with access instructions to the template.
Copyright to 360 Neuro Health. This license is for personal use only. This template must not be sold or distributed in whole or part.