Get clarity, community, strategies, and all the support you need for each season of your healthcare journey. Our plans are designed not just to support, but to elevate you, allowing you to devote your heart and energy to what you truly love. 

Vestibular Visionaries Network


The Vestibular Visionaries Network (VVN)* includes round table talks and a continuously expanding digital library that we build together! From patient education handouts, referral marketing materials, smart goals, eval/assessment findings checklists, lead generators, social media templates, and more - all tailored to your unique needs. With VVN, your requests are met with a solution. 

Need help navigating a complex case? Simply make a request and we will discuss during our virtual meetups. As we embark on this journey together, remember that every opinion, insight, and digital resource we create is a step toward advancing our collective understanding and making a meaningful impact in healthcare. VVN is designed to foster collaboration, encourage the exchange of ideas, and provide a space where creativity and science converge. 

How does VVN work?

Request Board

  • Subscribe to the VVN plan & submit your requests via the Request Board.


  • Each month, we randomly choose from the submitted requests and you upvote on content that interests you most.

Create & Meetup

  • We tally the results and get to work creating. Then, we present the completed requests to you virtually and ask for your feedback.

Revise & Finalize

  • After our virtual meet up, we revise and finalize based on your feedback. 

Masterminds Library

  • We upload the files in the VVN Library, where you can access the resources at anytime (as long as your account is active).


Here are some sample requests:

  • Patient Education Handouts, Referral Marketing Materials, SMART Goals, Eval/Assessment Findings, Checklists, Lead Generators, Social Media Templates, Treatment Ideas, Treatment Progressions, Complex Case Discussion, Patient Questionnaires, Email Campaign Content, PowerPoint Presentations For Referring Providers, Patients, Community, Deep Dive Discussion On A Specific Topic, Return To Work Letters, Blog Content, Direct Mail Marketing, Quick Guides, Case Studies, Training Resources, + More

The Vestibular Visionaries Network is your gateway into an exclusive circle where together we shape a digital library that's ever-expanding and tailored to your needs.

$45/month or $450/year (get two months free)

👉Pick your VVN Plan ➡️ Sign up here
Includes the Enterprise and Premium Plans. Cancel or upgrade anytime.

Enterprise Membership


If you're looking to access 40+ hours of exemplary education as well as all of the features Premium Plan, this is the plan for you. Earn CEUs on select courses. Grab that cup of tea, explore our ever-growing educational suite, and design your course schedule!

Top experts share the latest knowledge and resources for vestibular, vision, cervical, concussion including 3PD, visually induced dizziness…and so much more! High-quality education with invaluable bits of information that are designed to be immediately implemented into your practice.

What's included in the Enterprise Plan?

The enterprise plan includes all of the features in the premium plan and 40+ hours of exemplary education in our ever-growing educational suite:

➡️ Dizziness in the Acute Care Setting
➡️ Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness Treatment Strategies
➡️ Linking Vestibular Diagnostics to Vestibular Rehab
➡️ MdDS: Research to Clinical Practice
➡️ Visual Vestibular Integration in Return to Sport
➡️ Visual-Vestibular Therapy for Functional Impairments Post-Concussion
➡️ Concussion Management Masterclass: What You Need To Know
➡️ Business of Balance & Dizziness Summit 2023
➡️ Clinical Pearls in Vision, Vestibular, and Concussion Sessions
➡️ Visual-Vestibular-Cervical Integration Training Post-Concussion Masterclass
➡️ Simplify Vestibular Masterclass
➡️ Concussion Health Summit Sessions
➡️ Vestibular Health Summit Sessions

We've updated your learning experience by including the course details and handouts directly in the course - this makes it easier to access the course objectives, faculty, handouts, and certificate of completion. Once you've signed up for the Enterprise Plan, you can access your courses by:

  • Clicking on Courses in the left-hand side navigation bar
  • Select the course you would like to access

Course Details

All of the course details will be listed under the lesson videos. This includes an overview, objectives, faculty, continuing education, and certificate of completion. The status of the continuing education credits will be as updated regularly due to courses being approved at different times. Check back frequently for updates. If your state is not listed, please contact us to add your state to the list.

Course Chat Feature

To access the course chat feature, click the chat bubble icon in the top navigation bar. Say hello👋 and tell us where you are from🌎, leave a comment for other participants💬, or ask the instructor a question.

Course Handouts

To access the course handouts, simply click the sfolder icon in the top navigation bar. If there are no handouts associated with the course, the folder icon will not be visible.

Post-Course Automation 

We are excited to announce that once you complete a course and post-course questionnaire/test, you will automatically receive your Certificate of Completion and be provided an evaluation form.👏

Super stack your skills and build your professional network with the Enterprise Plan!

$18/month or $180/year (get two months free)

👉Pick your Enterprise Plan ➡️ Sign up here
Includes the Premium Plan. Cancel or upgrade anytime.

Premium Membership


Get instant access to unlimited premium content with assessments, treatments, and tools in the VestibularGO, CervicalGO, VisionGO, and ConcussionGO spaces. Includes over 100 Optokinetic, Oculomotor, and VOR videos, plus Nystagmus videos to use for classifying nystagmus or as resource tools. Jump into high-level conversations in our very popular 'What's on your mind?' space!

🟢 → Vestibular Rehab Assessments
🟢 → Vestibular Rehab Treatments
🟢 → BPPV Assessments
🟢 → BPPV Treatments
🟢 → BPPV Scenarios
🟢 → Vestibular Diagnostics
❔ → Vestibular FAQs

🔵 → Vision Assessments
🔵 → Vision Treatments
❔ → Vision FAQs

🟣 → Concussion Assessments
🟣 → Concussion Treatments
❔ → Concussion FAQs

🟡 → Cervical Assessments
🟡 → Cervical Interventions
❔ → Cervical FAQs

🆕 → Optokinetic, Oculomotor, VOR Videos
🆕 → Nystagmus Videos
🔳 → Dai Protocol
📝 → HEPs
📚 → Resource Library
📽️ → Video Library

Includes over 100 Optokinetic, Oculomotor, and VOR videos, plus Nystagmus videos to use for classifying nystagmus or as resource tools. 

Over 100 downloadable Optokinetic, Oculomotor, & VOR Videos🙌

  • 48 Optokinetic (OPK) videos – 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 120 seconds. Options for a fixed target in the center, to a moving target, to a moving target with a cognitive task, to no target. Stripes move right, left, up, and down.

Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) Videos

  • 20 Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) videos – 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds. Fixed target on blue or optokinetic background at 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 beats/min.

Saccades Videos

  • 15 Saccades videos. Options for a blue, fixed, or moving background. The videos also have a cognitive task by asking the person to say aloud the number in the target.

Smooth Pursuit Videos

  • 19 Smooth Pursuit videos. Options for a blue, image, or moving background. Additional videos with dual tasking option – tracking a primary target while pointing at other targets moving in the background.

You can access the videos in the Tools space. We've organized them in Google Drive via the following folders: 

  • Optokinetic Videos
  • Saccades Videos
  • Smooth Pursuit Videos
  • VOR Videos

Here are just a few:

Plus, Nystagmus Videos!

The eyes are the windows to the brain. Pathological nystagmus is the cardinal sign of vestibular dysfunction. When we put this together, we have an amazing opportunity to identify the peripheral or central cause(s) of the nystagmus.

You can access these videos anytime to help you classify nystagmus or use them as a resource tool to begin your journey as a nystagmologist.😀

Get instant access to unlimited premium content with assessments, treatments, and tools!

$9/month or $90/year (get two months free)

👉Pick your Premium Plan ➡️ Sign up here
Cancel or upgrade anytime.

Basic Membership (Free!)


Connect with fellow healthcare professionals virtually in live events, share ideas & collaborate with other attendees, and get access to basic playbacks, the latest news, & updates. 

👉Pick the Basic Plan ➡️ Sign up here
Upgrade anytime.

More Education