SPECIAL OFFER! Enroll in one of the Courses or Bundles below & Get 3 Months FREE to the Vestibular Visionaries Network!
Unlock the full potential of your professional development with the CCCM Course, CCVR 2.0 Course, V2FIT+ Advanced Course, or Bundles below, and we'll gift you 3 months FREE access to the Vestibular Visionaries Network!
- NEW! The Certificate of Competency in Concussion Management (CCCM) Course focuses on advanced treatment strategies and problem solving of difficult concussion cases caused by: sports-related concussion, pediatric non-sport-related concussion, work-related concussion, motor vehicle accident (MVA)-related concussion, and fall-related concussion. The CCCM Course is a 6-week evidence-based concussion management competency course that provides you a convenient and flexible path to advanced training in concussion management through online coursework and a final examination.
- The CCVR 2.0 Course is designed to build your understanding and know-how through practical application of the methodologies in vestibular rehabilitation – the same methodologies we use to assess and treat the vestibular population. Become a Vestibular Specialist Online in 14 Weeks!
- The V2FIT+ Advanced Course is a live, in-person advanced course that explores the intricate neural pathways connecting the visual and vestibular systems, the cervical-thoracic spine, and the psychology of eye movements in calming our nervous system.
- The Vestibular Visionaries Network (VVN) is a concierge membership that includes round table talks and a continuously expanding digital library that we build together! From complex cases, patient education handouts, referral marketing materials, smart goals, eval/assessment findings checklists, lead generators, social media templates, and more - all tailored to your unique needs. With VVN, your requests are met with a solution. Learn more
This is your chance to not only enhance your skills but to also play a pivotal role in a collective journey of knowledge and growth. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Enroll now!
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4601 Spicewood Springs Road, Bldg II, Ste. 100, Austin, TX 78759
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